Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 187: Matt’s Electrifying Report

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss how Matt in Perth, Western Australia has decided to save some energy by modifying his aquarium setup.


Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Robert from Facebook and Dr. Bob from the North Shore of Boston.

We are happy to report that due to donations from:

Steve in Lincoln, Nebraska

Tom in Provo, Ut

Chris in new Hampshire

David in CO

Sean in Asheville, NC

Dr. Bob on the North Shore of Boston

Henry in Switzerland


We have purchased a field recorder and power supply and will soon be able to record in higher quality!

Here is the link to the Wet Web Media FAQ on Salts (Aquarium, Epsom) in FW aquaria:


Aquarimax Epsiode 185

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Sean in Ashevill, North Carolina; Chris in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Matt in Perth, Western Australia; Mick in Carnforth, UK; Tom in Provo, Utah; and Anthony in Monmouh, Oregon.


Here is a pic of one of Mick’s Dwarf Dragon Goby:

Here is a pic of the Poly-Filter Mick mentioned in the show to help get rid of surface scum:


Here is a link to an image of the type of LED light Matt would like to find in Perth, Western Australia:


Aquarimax Episode 184

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments nd questions from David in Colorado, “Cyber” David K., Dr. Bob on the North Shoe of Boston, Anthony in Oregon, and Tony in New York.

Here’s the link from David K. about veterinarian’s gloves that can work well as aquarium gloves:

Message: I just found out about your podcast and I am starting to catch up on old episodes.  I recently listened to your interview with Diana Walstad and when you guys were talking about aquarium gloves I thought about these.

These are used by large animal vets when checking cows for pregnancy.  They are thin, disposable, cheap and they go all the way up to your shoulder.


Here are some links on sexing Jewel cichlids. Use at your own risk, of course.


Aquarimax Episode 183

Sean in Ashville, North Carolina; Chris is New Hamshire; Dr. Bob on the North Shore of Boston; Tom in Provo, Utah; Tony in New York.


Check out Sean in NC’s Celestial Pearl Danios, and his serendipitous Corydoras paleatus fry:



Here is a link from Dr. Bob on bacterial products to hasten cycling:

Here is a link from Dr. Bob on composting worms (good for fish food as well):