Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 129: Baby Ram-ifications, Tubing Considerations, and Hydra Elimination

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Robert in Boston, Brett in Cyberspace, and Charlie in North Carolina.


Aquarimax Episode 128: Betta and Betta, Black Sand, Corydoras Creepies, and Cycling Success

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss their 5-week old betta spawn, as well as questions and comments from Juliette in Paris, France, Mick in Carnforth, UK, and Tony in NY (whose tanks, incidentally, have just cycled! Congrats Tony!)


Here are some pics of our bettas at 4 weeks, 6 days old. Click on the images to enlarge them:


Here’s a short video clip of our fry feeding on newly hatched brine shrimp and on walterworms, at 4 weeks, 3 days old, and 4 weeks, 6 days old, respectively:



Aquarimax Episode 127: Precocious Betta Aggression and Algae Crew Lineup

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss their month-old betta fry as well as respond to Tony in NY’s question about good algae crew candidates for his 6.6 gallon freshwater aquarium.


Aquarimax Episode 126: Avoiding Parasites, Moving Fish, and Bulging Baby Bettas

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Carlos in NY, Tony in NY, and Andrejka in OR.


Aquarimax Episode 125: From Axolotls to Zapped Air Pumps

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss some of Mick’s critters, as well as their betta spawn, Rus’ new fishy gadget, and more.

Here’s a pic of one of our baby bettas at 1.5 weeks old, with a bellyful of brine shrimp and a yawn (or a burp?)

Photo: This 1.5 week-old betta has a bellyful of brine shrimp nauplii. In the second panel, he's "yawning."

Mick found a photo of a hermit crab in a glass shell. We couldn’t get the link to work on facebook properly, but here’s a link on the web to the same photo:

Here’s a link to Mick’s miniscule marine hermit crab succeeding at a seemingly Herculean task:

Here are Mick’s juvenile axolotls enjoying a whiteworm breakfast:

Here’s a link to Rus’ new R2 target feeder (he’s not getting paid to talk about it or link to it or anything.)