Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 114: Amphipod cultures, Saddleless Shrimp, Sluggish Cycles, and more

Join aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Kuwabo in Connecticut, Charlie in South Carolina, Nigel in Bridport, UK, and Tony in New York.

Here are some links on fishless cycling that go into some good detail:

Check out our newest Aquarimax Video on culturing Daphnia here:

Aquarimax Episode 113: Molly Mystery, Pond Problem, and More

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from

Andejka in Oregon
Nigel in Bridport, UK
Bob in Boston
Carlos in NY
Barbie on FB
Mick in Carnforth, UK
Tony in NY

Here’s a website on some gel foods for Nigel’s cichlids:

For Bob in Boston, here are some sites that mention Mollies acting strange with regard to their heaters:

Molly heater nibbling mentioned:


Here are Mick in Carnforth, UK’s pics of the pond with the liner leak. He fixed it, and got to interact with some native amphibians along the way! Thanks Mick!




Aquarimax Episode 112: No-tech Fish Possibilities, Cycling Delays, Reluctant Bristlenoses, and More

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Andrejka in Oregon, Tony in New York, and Matthew in ?

To learn more about breeding Bristlenose Plecos (Ancistrus spp.)  listen to this episode:

or watch the YouTube Quick Guide here:


Aquarimax Episode Eleventy-One: Bristly Babies, Java Ferns, and Small Schoolers

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Carlos and Tony in New York and Juliette in Paris, France.


Here is the link to a site that discusses contenders for the most ancient extant species of animal:


Aquarimax Episode 110: Ancient Aquarium Fish, Plant Anchoring, and More

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Andrejka in Oregon and Juliette in Paris, France.

Here are some links on ancient fish that are kept in aquaria:

Alligator gar-apparently unchanged for 50 million years

Australian lungfish-have been around 100 million years

Bichirs and related ropefish Senegal bichir-polypterus senegalus -have been around at least since the Cretaceous period
Since before separation from Africa
145-65 million years ago

Arowanas-At least one lineage, the silver arowana, appears to be 170 million years old