Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 109: When Fish are Irregular, Better Rift Lake Info, and Shrimp Solutions

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Andrejka in Oregon, David in Santa Clara, CA, and Mick in Carnforth, UK.


Here are the resources David in Santa Clara suggested for finding out more info on the Rift Lakes and the cichlids that inhabit them:

Konings, A., TANGANYIKA CICHLIDS in their natural habitat, Cichlid Press, Copyright 1998


Here’s some information from Mick’s fellow shrimpkeeping friend that helped him cure a parasitic infection of his sakura red shrimp:

he recommended tremazol by sera med for parasites:

for pests that don’t actually live in/on the shrimp, he recommended panacur:


Aquarimax Episode 108: Shrimp Parasites-Scutariella japonica? And More on Apistogramma cacatuoides

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Juliette in Paris, Tony in New York, and Mick in Carnforth, UK.

Here is a lovely pic of Charlie’s Apistogramma cacatuoides:


Here is the video Juliette found that provides evidence for a wormy parasite that attacks sakura shrimp:

Here’s a link to another video with a shrimp that seems to have a similar affliction:

This site:
identifies these worms as Scutariella japonica

Aquarimax Episode 107: Adventure Aquarium, Frisky Frogs, and Mysterious Color Changes

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Tony in New York, Juliette in Paris, France, Charlie in North Carolina, Jonas in Sweden, and Mick in Carnforth, UK.

Here’s a short video of the highlights of Rus’ visit to Adventure Aquarium:



Here’s an article that provides a nice intro to Apistogramma cacatuoides, the cockatoo cichlid:


Check out Micks’ video of an orange cherry shrimp that faded a bit at berrying time:

See how the frogs in Mick’s pond are feeling the spring (the serenade gets his fire-belly toads singing too!)



Aquarimax Episode 106: Top 10 Ponds Tips with the Prince of Ponds, Ken Jones

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they interview Ken Jones, the Prince of Ponds, on the top 10 tips when you’re considering pondkeeping.


To learn much more about ponds and pondkeeping click on the image on the left to the Prince of Ponds Podcast and visit Ken’s  website  by clicking on the image on the right:


Aquarimax Episode 105: Corydoras trilineatus Fry, Controlling Snails, and Water Conditioners for Cladocerans

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Adam in Santa Rosa, CA, and Tony in New York.