Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 55: Brian’s Cycling Research and Water-Conscious Pond

Brian, a biologist and longtime contributor to Aquarimax, joins hosts Rus and Kelly to discuss a research project he did on cycling aquaria, and a pond project he is working on that reduces water waste.


Aquarimax Episode 54: Ammonia questions and Louisiana Wetlands Tour with Rus

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss Andrejka’s questions about ammonia, and the swamp tour that Rus took during his recent business trip to Louisiana.

Click here to go to the Podcast Resources page and see some highlights of what Rus saw on the tour.

Aquarimax Episode 53 : Interview with Carlos about Pumpkinseed Sunfish

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly interview Carlos about his Pumpkinseed Sunfish

Click here to go to the resources page

Aquarimax Episode 52: Mystery Worms and Sanitizing Tanks

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly talk about mystery worms in Robert’s tank, Carlos’ comment on Pumpkinseed sunfish, and Andrejka’s comments, including how to sanitize used tanks.


Click here to go to the resources page to see a short video of a Dero worm.


Aquarimax Episode Hawaii 5-1: Dave’s Feather Duster Worms

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly welcome their guest Dave, a marine biologist who specializes in feather duster worms.

Click here to go to the resources page, and see our own feather duster worm in his dramatic film debut.