Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 40: Jumping Fish and a New Kind of Filter

Aquarimax Hosts Rus and Kelly discuss Brenna’s question on discouraging jumping fish, and talk about their forthcoming review of a new filter, the EverCleanAqua System. Check out videos of this filter in action on the resources page, and visit the website,

Aquarimax Episode 39: One Good Spawn Deserves Another

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss emails from Jim and Robert from Michigan, as well as another unexpected spawn or two… I’ve put Robert’s pictures up on the resource page!

Click here to go to the resources page, including a photo of some of our CPDs.

Aquarimax Episode 38

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly respond to a message from Robert about thermometers, and discuss other fishy updates.

Aquarimax Episode 37

Aquarimax Hosts Rus and Kelly discuss a new food they’ve been trying out, as well as some other tank disasters and possible solutions.

Aquarimax Episode 36: Heaters, Disasters, and more

Aquarimax hosts respond to a message from Robert from Texas about heaters and disasters and to an anonymous message about a Tanganyikan tank with mosses.

Click here to go to the resources page for this episode.