Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 35: Cpd fry and more

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss celestial pearl danio fry, a goldfish guest and more.

Aquarimax Episode 34: Filters

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly respond to a phone request  to discuss filters.

Aquarimax Episode 33: Product Reviews and More

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss some new aquarium related products they’ve recently purchased, as well as some other fishy stuff.

Aquarimax Episode 32: Celestial Pearl Danios

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss their new Celestial Pearl Danios, as well as some aquarium-related vacation bits.

Aquarimax Episode 31: opae’ula

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss their experiences with keeping and breeding opae’ula, unique brackish-water shrimp endemic to Hawaii.

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