Author Archives: Aquarimax

Aquarimax Episode 20: Assassin Snails

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly describe their recent experiences with Assassin Snails

Aquarimax Episode 19: A Betta Sorority Tank

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly describe their recent experience with a betta sorority tank (a community of multiple female bettas.)

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Aquarimax Episode 18: Dwarf Puffers

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly describe their experiences keeping Dwarf Puffers.

Click here to go to the resources page for this podcast.

Aquarimax Episode 17: Kribensis

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss keeping and breeding Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

Aquarimax Episode 16: Breeding Convict Cichlids

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly describe how to keep and breed convict cichlids

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