Category Archives: Uncategorized

Aquarimax Episode 161: Disappearing Shrimp, Consider the Killies, Gabriel’s water filter video, Mick’s Snakehead, Fish Gestures, and RCS vs. CRS

Check out Gabriel’s video on how to use Brita filters to make excellent water for a planted tank: (You’ll see his lovely planted 55 and some of his dwarf cichlids, too)

Take a look at Mick’s new Snakehead: (click to enlarge)

Aquarimax Episode 159: Shrimp Blues, Tanks Giving, Cory Company, Cichlid Stuff, and More

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Scott in Fort Worth, Texas; Tom Williams in Provo, UT; Bob in Boston, Massachusetts; Mick in Carforth, UK; and Kelly in Shrewsbury, UK.

Here is the link to the blueberry shrimp Scott is interested in:

Here are some links to shrimp at Planet Inverts:

Aquarimax Episode 158: Bluebery Shrimp, Berried Shrimp, and Bic the Razorback Turtle

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Scott in Texas, Juliette in Paris, France, and Mick in Carnforth, UK.

Check out Mick’s pics! (Click to enlarge)

Aquarimax Episode 156: Microrasboras Teaser, Revidew of Ecology of the Planted Aquarium Latest Edition, and Kidderviews about Bettas and Sundry

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss questions and comments from Tom in Provo, UT; their kids’ betta-based science experiment results; and Tony in New York’s review of the latest edition of Diana Walstad’s Ecology of the Planted Aquarium.

Aquarimax Episode 155: Here Comes the Spring!

Here is Matt in Perth, Australia’s plan for a stand. He graciously agreed to allow us to post it with the caveat that this is a draft, and that he is not looking for criticism on minor flaws in the drawing, but feedback on the general design.

DRAFT  –Please click on the thumbnails to enlarge them.


Lyrics to “Here Comes the Sun,” By George Harrison, (Very Appropriately referenced by Bob in Boston in this Epsiode)

Also appropriately referenced by Bob are the Lyrics to “As I Lay me Down”: