Tag Archives: assassin snails

Aquarimax Episode 102: From One Tank to Another, 20 Gallon Breeding Possibilities, and More

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss aquarium comments and questions from Anne in Pittsburgh, Tony in New York, Jackson in Australia, and Robert in Michigan.


Here’s a picture of Robert’s goldfish after having swallowed an Otocinclus! Robert was able to save the goldfish. At last update, Mr. Wiggles was convalescing nicely.



Aquarimax Episode 70 : Tips, Toads, Tanks, and More

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly listen to a message from David in Texas, and discuss questions and comments from Anne in Pennsylvania,  Andrejka in Oregon, Mick in the UK, and Adrian in Vancourver, British Columbia.

Click here to visit the podcast resources page:



Aquarimax Episode 67: Most Pressing Maintenance and an Amphibious Preview

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss Andrejka’s question about  the most pressing maintenance issues in the case of an extra-aquaristic crisis, Carlos’ celestial pearl danio questions, and Micks email, including a preview of a spotlight on Chinese fire-bellied newts.

Click here to visit the resources page:



Aquarimax Episode 63: Glass Shrimp vs. Cherry Shrimp, for starters…

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss comments from Andejka, Jeff D., Jackson, Brian, Dave D, Mick, Clint, and Brandon. We are glad so many contributors decided to join us! Thanks again! I hope I didn’t miss anybody!

Aquarimax Episode 28: Snorkeling in Hawaii

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss their encounters with fish during a three-year stint in Hawaii.

Call and leave a question or comment at (801) 477-0629, and Rus and Kelly will try to discuss your comment on an upcoming show.

Click here to go see pics of fish and turtles we took in Hawaii.