Tag Archives: lighting

Aquarimax 250: Aquarium podcast

Aquarimax on aquariums!

Join hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Paul in Central California and Matt in Perth, Western Australia.


Meet Finn, a former carnival fish who now has a great life with Paul in Central California:

Finn from CA

Aquarimax Epsiode 206

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Mick in Carnforth, UK and Eliot in Sacramento, California.


If you have access through a library or academic institution, this article discusses how the diet of nematodes such as microworms can change the nutritional makeup of the worms:

C. Schlechtriem, M. Ricci, U. Focken and K. Becker The suitability of the free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus as live food for first-feeding fish larvae Journal of Applied Ichthyology 20



Here is Eliot in Sacramento, California’s 3-chambered sump, home to many red cherry shrimp:


Here, Eliot documents his success with the Dry Start Method in photos:











After two weeks of Dry Start Method:7

Aquarimax 150: The Lighting Episode and a bit more

Join Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly as they discuss comments and questions from Tony in NY, Tom in Provo, UT; and Ryan in AZ.


Aquarimax Episode 72: pH, brine shrimp collecting, LED lights

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss comments and questions from Andrejka, Adrian, Mike, and Brian.

Click here to go to the podcast resources page.

Click here to see the YouTube video clip of the brine shrimp we caught in the Great Salt Lake 

Aquarimax Episode 63: Glass Shrimp vs. Cherry Shrimp, for starters…

Aquarimax hosts Rus and Kelly discuss comments from Andejka, Jeff D., Jackson, Brian, Dave D, Mick, Clint, and Brandon. We are glad so many contributors decided to join us! Thanks again! I hope I didn’t miss anybody!